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Hướng dẫn viết bài báo cho Hội thảo quốc tế Cơ điện Nông nghiệp và Công nghệ Sau thu hoạch Vì một Châu Á bền vững (AEPAS). Ngày 5-6/12/2013 tại Hà Nội, Việt Nam

Guidelines for Oral and Poster Presentation


Oral Presentation

Prepare your presentation so that you can finish in 20 minutes (about 15-min presentation plus 5-min questions and answers). Each oral presentation room has one beam projector, one projection screen, one notebook computer, and one laser printer.

All computer based presentations will use Microsoft PowerPoint. Authors must insure that their PowerPoint presentation meets the following requirements:

• Created in Windows format only

• Recorded on a CD-R or on a USB portable memory device

• Compatible with PowerPoint 2003

• Saved in ppt. format

A computer will be also available at the registration desk for final-checking your presentation

Poster Presentation  (options)

The posters are grouped into the defined sessions. All authors are to be present between 8:00~16:00 on Dec. 5th to discuss their research and answer questions. However, your poster(s) should be displayed in afternoon 4th. Each poster is displayed on a board: 120 x 200 cm, with the designated poster number for the poster.

  For your poster, a board of 120-cm wide by 200-cm tall will be provided, with the number corresponding to your poster. Prepare your poster(s) in sizes of less than 90-cm wide by 120-cm tall.

  Please make sure that the poster can be easily read from a distance of 2 m.

  Pins and tapes will be available to attach your poster to the board.

• The title of your poster should appear at the top in a large font size.

• The flow of your poster should be from the top left to the bottom right

• Your poster should cover the key points of your work. Please try to attract attention, provide a brief overview of the work, and initiate discussion, rather than including all the details.





First and Last Names of the First Author1, Second Author2*, Third Author3


1Affiliation and Address of the First Author, Country

2Affiliation and Address of the Second Author, Country

3Affiliation and Address of the Third Author, Country

*Corresponding Author-- Voice: +12-34-567-8910, Email:


Abstract: The body of the abstract should be limited up to 500 words. Include importance of the work, overall objectives, brief description of materials and methods, major results, and implication of your work.

Key Words: Up to Five Key Words, separated by comma


INTRODUCTION (first level heading, bold, centered)


Send your full manuscript to Dinh Thi Tam; or by October 31, 2013 to be included in the meeting proceedings. Prepare your manuscript in a MS Word file and name the file with your full name. All participants and accompanying persons should register for the AEPAS. Advance registration is recommended and must be accepted by e-mail or fax on or before November 10, 2013.


Your paper should be no longer than 7 pages and not greater than 3 MB including figures and tables. Document setting is A4 (210 mm by 297 mm) with margins of 25 mm for all sides. Language for the conference and manuscripts is English. Use Times New Roman, 12-point font for the entire manuscript, except title of the paper.


Start paragraphs with no indent. Use single spacing for the entire manuscript, but place a

blank line between paragraphs, headings, before and after figures, tables, and equations. At the end of INTRODUCTION, please state objectives of the paper clearly in a separate





HEADINGS (second level heading, bold, left justified)


Tables and Figures (third level heading, underlined, left justified)


Place tables (refer as Table 1 in the text) and figures (refer as Fig. 1 in the text, but use Figure 1 at the beginning of paragraphs) after and close to their first reference in the text. When tables and figures are wider than the column, place them at the top or bottom of the page.


Tables and their captions are left justified, but figures and their captions are centered. Use only black and white, or gray scale colors for figures.


Equations, Symbols and Units


Use MS Equation Editor to create equations (refer as Eq. (1) in the text, but use Figure 1 at the beginning of paragraphs). Equations should be left aligned with an Arabic number placed within parentheses and right aligned. Following the equation, there should be an explanation of its components, each ending with a period.





K/S = Kubelka Munk factor, m/s.

R = Measured reflectance, %.


CONCLUSIONS (second level heading, bold, left justified)




This section should be placed at the end of the paper before the REFERENCES section.

This section includes acknowledgments of financial, institutional and personal support.




Do not begin a new page for the section unless it is absolutely necessary. Each line of a reference, except the first one, should be indented 5 mm from the left margin. Please do not include submitted but not yet accepted papers.


All references included in the list should be cited in the text and vice versa. In the text body, use the author-year system (e.g., Smith, 1989; Smith and Jones, 1989; Smith et al., 1989). When citing several references together, order them chronologically.


In ‘references’ section, alphabetize the references according to the author’s last name and then chronologically.


Examples for journal articles:


Anderson G.T., Renard C.V., Strein L.M.,. Cayo E.C., 1998. A new technique for

        rapid deployment of rollover protective structures. Applied Eng. in Agric. 23(2), 34-42.

Renard, C., Van Loon T., 2002. Use of power equipment by youth in the Midwest:

        1999-2001. J. Agric. Safety and Health 7(3), 98-105.

Waladi W., Partek B., Manoosh J., 1999. Regulating ammonia concentration in swine

        housing: Part II. Application examples. Trans. ASAE 43(4), 540-547.

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